Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 23, 2010 ONE OF THE BIG BOYS FALLS!

Hi Mike -
Here are a few pics of the deer I shot Saturday evening at about 6:20pm on 10/23/10 and the story that goes with it........having a hard time falling asleep tonight so thought I would send a few emails out. Let me know if any trouble with the pics on your end.

I got into the tree at about 5pm and had not even pulled the bow up when I saw a deer off to my left up the hill in the bushes feeding. After several minutes I got set up ok without being picked out by that doe. She walked off but I could hear deer running around over off the corner of the field in that semi-open area that is kind of "swampy" and caught a glimpse of a head / tail once or twice. Occasionally I could see some bushes being thrashed too so I figured there was maybe a buck or two around the area. I eventually had deer all over the place literally underneath me that night. Spike buck, two six pts (one of which might have been the one you shot?, a seven pt (tall, white rack, missing his left brow tine or would be a clean 8pt), the two button bucks (from the trio left from the group I shot the doe out of a few weeks ago), one hot doe they were all chasing around, and maybe one other non-hot doe with another little one around the corner of the fence from where I was sitting.

The big guy came from above me and the first time I saw him was when I turned around to my left to check where the other deer had walked from in front underneath me to the fence side and behind my tree (uphill side). He was only about 15 yds up from my tree and I could see him looking up which showed his rack off pretty well. I could see he was out beyond his ears and three pts on each side.....thought he might have been a 10pt at first but did not try to count pts after that.....was just trying not to fall out of the tree at that point. . He angled over to the fence line so I had to quickly get turned around on the stand and get drawn back as soon as he angle over to the fence line. From the time I first saw him to when I shot him it was probably not more than two minutes or so......happened really fast. With all the other deer around underneath me and the 7pt out in the field that I thought was picking me out in the stand I could not move to look around much. Its actually hard to see straight up behind you when in that stand due to the trees right behind the stand (will have to fix that for next year I guess?). Just as I let my arrow go he turned more towards the fence to nudge one of the other deer standing next to him and I hit him about 3/4 back angling into his middle. He jumped the fence right away and jogged out to the middle of the field where he slowly circled a few times and staggered like he was going to go down. He stood for a minute or so and then turned and trotted over to the bottom edge of the field and jumped the fence again (out of the field). I could see him stop about 20yds into the woods and then I lost track of him at that point trying to get my binoculars out of my pack. the 7pt and a doe in the field bugged out of the field at that point. One doe stayed in the field the whole time like nothing was going on. She was still there when I walked out. It was getting dark fast and since I did not think he was down at that point I did not follow up until morning. I waited till it was completely dark and then hopped the fence a little ways up the hill and crossed back over the field to the truck to avoid pressuring the lower woods area where the buck had jumped the fence leaving the field. In the morning my wife came with to help with the tracking. We found some blood drops from the outside of the fence where he jumped out to about half the way back to the creek and then it seemed to stop. We walked out to the back trail (the one we mowed) looking for blood and found none so I climbed through the thick stuff out to the edge of the creek to look in there. I found a pretty good deer trail along the creek. On the second look over the creek bank I found him right there in the water's edge. He ended up being in the water on the edge of the creek pretty much straight back from the corner of the field / fence line.

That's my story from Saturday night.

Regards - Kevin.

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