Thursday, November 29, 2012

Kevin keeps the tradition going


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If you knew how many hours Kevin spends hunting you would understand why he scores on big bucks year after year. This is not just the luck of the draw, if you hunt 2-3 days a year you might see or harvest a big deer. But when you spend a lot of time in a tree stand and letting the smaller ones walk this is the reward. Congrats Kevin on another beauty.  Kevin uses the H&R Ultra Slug hunter in 20g. This buck was shot on the same property Hudson shot his big one, Lets hope there are a few left over for us other guys.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mink, Black River, and Pulaski

Well, we took a trip to N.Y. , and this is a little piece of what we did.  I enjoyed learning how to steelhead fish, and we also filmed a mink. I think that was pretty cool. The opening day of deer video is coming up later this week. Enjoy

Friday, November 16, 2012

Well this is how our last weeks hunt went. Hit HD for a clearer video.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hudson Strikes On The Last Friday of Archery

Well the last week of the archery season had us out Wed. thru Sat. It was a pretty slow week of hunting until Fri. A slow morning resulted in us leaving the stand. That's when I got down out of the stand and promptly watered the bushes (if you know what I mean). After I was done I went to grab a saw out of my bag to cut a tree limb that had fallen. When I reach for the bag the bushes in front of me explode with a nice buck on the other side. Thank the Lord that Hudson was still on the top half of the tree stand. He got 2 or so steps down and had to get back up the tree and load the crossbow. In all of the confusion the deer just stood there and gave Hudson no shot. I am currently on the ground looking up whispering to Hudson basically whats going on. He stood there so long I texted my friend Kevin O. to give him the up to second info. While on the ground I was grunting and the thing still didn't move. Eventually Hudson took the shot and the beast went down in his tracks. He put another one into him and the trophy was officially his. I would love to say I have the video of it but it was packed away and I could not see anything anyway. I did video a lot this week and will put something together anyway.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Here was the first day of the rut for me, a quarter the way through a really big boy steps out but he was to far. Sorry I did not get a lot of video of him. I started to grunt to draw him in and this other buck came in behind me which I promptly missed him. The crossbow is shooting a little weird right now so I am going to re-shoot it in today. I will have off 4 days to hunt this week with the boys. There is supposed to be a nor-easter coming Wed so we will see what happens.