Although it was a short four day work week, because of having off for the opening day of buck, Sat. took long to get here. The hunting actually started Fri. night with the regular communication between Kevin O on where we will be hunting in the morning. On opening day when the deer got pushed, my other stand was the hot stand with a lot of deer going past it. I have a little honey hole we call the Twin Towers stand. (well it has been way better for Kevin O and his son to date, but we have shot deer out of it too) So when I told Kevin that Hudson and I were headed to the double stand below the circle, he must have been happy. If you have followed this journal, you realize Kevin has shot a buck. Who cares where he sits. Well Brad, his son, was home from college, and he would be hunting Sat. morning looking for a buck of his own.
The morning started out with deer all over the back green field above our stand. We can't hunt over there so we just usually watch them go back and forth. At around 7:30 I get the old "don't move there is a doe looking straight at us." Well, the doe turned out to have head gear, and after what seemed to be an eternity, the buck bolted. He did make a mistake though. He stopped, and Hudson put a copper solid right in the boiler maker. With this being his third buck, he makes it look easy sometimes.
A few hours go by, and we hear a shot in the direction of the twin towers. With the communication these days, I get a text saying, "Brad just shot a big deer." Later finding out it was an 8pt with a 19" spread. A very nice deer for his first buck. Congratulations to Brad! What a buck!
With both sets of deer being gutted, Kevin and Brad left leaving Hudson and I to sit the rest of the day. Maybe Dad can get some deer hunting in now. After Hudson nestled in for his nap, a buck worked in off to the right of the stand. I could not tell if it had a 3rd tine or not, so I let it go. It eventually bolted, and I could not put the 3rd tine on it, oh well.
1 1/2 hours later I noticed another deer working the general area where the other buck came from, and this one was a monster (for me anyway)it was a 10pt or better and I was going to get my first big buck. Well I shot, and I could tell I hit him by the reaction of the deer. It ran and stopped. I missed it 2 times! I will be putting a scope on that gun next year. I knew when I shot that I had put a bad shot on him. We backed out and came back on Sun. morning with 8 people, but we could not find it. Being bummed is a good word to put in there and some other ones, but I have 1 more Sat. of buck. I will be taking Reed out for a mentored youth hunt, so I hope we can connect on one for him.